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Investing involves risk and there is the potential of losing money when you invest in securities and digital assets. Past performance does not guarantee future results and the likelihood of investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature.

Investments in securities and digital assets through Fontavis Finance are: Not FDIC Insured • Not Bank Guaranteed • May Lose Value.

Furthermore, investing in digital assets is highly speculative and volatile, and only suitable for investors who are able to bear the risk of potential loss and experience sharp drawdowns. Digital assets are not subject to SIPC protections.

Before investing, consider your investment objectives and risk tolerance. Fontavis Finance’s investment services are designed to assist clients in achieving their financial goals. They are not intended to provide comprehensive tax advice or financial planning with respect to every aspect of a client’s financial situation and do not incorporate specific investments that clients hold elsewhere. For more details, refer to Fontavis Finance’s disclosures and terms of service.

This message is not an offer, solicitation of an offer, or advice to buy or sell securities in jurisdictions where Fontavis Finance is not registered.

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